Love Movie

Flipped A heartwarming manual for teenagers to cultivate

This is really a very beautiful and heartwarming teenage youth training manual. Heartthrob is a film directed by Rob Reiner and starring Madeleine Carroll and Karan McAuliffe. The film is based on the original novel of the same name by Wendelin Van de la Annan and depicts the interesting war between boys and girls in adolescence.Julie Baker (Madeleine Carroll) believes three things religiously: that trees are holy (especially her favorite sycamore tree), that the chickens she raises in her backyard produce the most wholesome eggs, and that one day she will kiss Bryce Loski (Callan McAuliffe). The moment she sees Bryce’s blue eyes in second grade, Julie’s heart is struck by him. Unfortunately, Bryce never felt anything for her. Besides, he thinks Julie is a bit weird, how can anyone see raising chickens and sitting under a tree as fun.

Unexpectedly, by eighth grade, Bryce begins to find Julie’s unusual interests and pride in her family make her seem attractive. Julie, on the other hand, began to think that Bryce’s pretty blue eyes might be as hollow as he was in fact; after all, how could anyone not take someone’s feelings for trees and chickens seriously?

Watching “Thumping Heart” is like watching the American version of “The Girl We Chased Together All Those Years”. It starts with Bryce moving near a sycamore tree to become Julie’s neighbor.

One day Bryce’s dad took a family of four from other places to move to a sycamore tree near the side, just as they were working together to move things and pack up their new home, a long-haired little girl appeared in front of them, the little girl since the introduction of their name is Julie, live in the neighborhood. She also volunteered to help with something.

Bryce and his dad were busy with their own business and didn’t want to pay attention to the girl named Julie. Bryce’s dad even rejected Julie’s kindness by saying, “These things are very expensive, I don’t need your help”, but Julie was still determined to help with something. Bryce’s father had to ask his son Bryce to put down the matter at hand to lure Julie away.

By mistake, Bryce inexplicably takes Julie’s hand, and only when he realizes it does he panic and shake it off. This action made Julie think she was liked by Bryce, and from then on she was more active and enthusiastic around Bryce, and coincidentally, they were still in the same class. From then on, their relationship began.

The young and ignorant Bryce thinks that Julie is too aggressive, a big-hearted and silly girl who doesn’t understand people’s feelings. He wants to avoid Julie’s passionate treatment, so that he will not always be teased by other male students that he has a girlfriend Julie who loves to follow him around.

Bryce and Julie are like cat and mouse, two children playing a little game of you hide and me chase. As Bryce and Julie grow up gradually, the two people’s view of life and values of each other are changing. Julie is no longer just attracted to Bryce’s big, twinkling eyes, she sees something deeper behind them. She began to care about something more visceral, she began to think about those relationships that were whole than all or just the opposite.

Bryce, who has always been childish and unable to understand Julie, gradually discovers that there is a unique charm lurking in Julie that he has never discovered as he interacts with other girls, and he is distressed to find himself caring more and more about Julie, as if he has somehow fallen in love with her. But at this time Julie because of Bryce once some very silly and naive words and behavior has begun to Bryce rejected a thousand miles away.

Bryce was sad and wanted to talk to Julie, but Julie did not want to face Bryce because her heart was also full of confusion. The two teenagers eventually shake hands and make up because of their sincere actions and kindness to understand each other, and eventually they become close friends who can really start talking to each other without any problems and be frank.

The movie ends abruptly here, but we know for ourselves that the souls of the two teenagers have collided and they can begin to understand each other’s subtext and read each other’s eyes. Two people finally tuned into the same channel, God synchronized up, this is how wonderful and rare experience.

Thumping Heart” is a very simple story, but very rich. The main story is about kids falling in love early, but in fact the movie is also about pursuing your dreams, respect, hard work, how to look at poverty, how to accept family members with disabilities, and how to maintain your self-esteem. One detail that struck me was that immediately after the parents had a fight, they told the child, “We’ll work it out, it’s not your fault.” Then they take turns to comfort her, showing that the parents still love each other and reassuring the child. That’s why the child thinks, “I think it’s hard for mommy, and I think it’s hard for daddy. But I’m lucky to be born into this family.” Parents who love each other are better than parents who are rich.

The little girl in “Heartthrob” came back crying, saying that the boy was going to kiss her in front of everyone, and her mother said, “Really? I think you need to have a talk with him.” The boy knocks on the door again and again, and the mom just says politely and apologetically, “She doesn’t want to talk to anyone, she’s locked herself in her bedroom.” The boy came from a family that despised the girl’s family, but the girl’s parents were able to set him apart and view him as a regular person.

Moving on to “Thumping”. I envy such heroines in American culture, like the grandmother in UP: adventurous, romantic, daring to be different, wise and responsible, with the footwork to achieve her dreams, vibrant, loving and able to love, with a healthy body and soul. Most of the heroines in our popular culture are still silly and naive, confused, optimistic, emotional type, waiting for the male lead to pity and love. In a nutshell, American heroines are trees, blossoming trees that grow well without male protagonists; our heroines are flowers, crippled flowers, some with tragic lives and bodies, waiting for men to save them.

Many people talk about how guys are not good enough for girls, guys are torn, etc. I think the movie speaks of a very simple fact: the mental development of young boys and young girls is not equal. It is very understandable that elementary school students are always girls who do better than boys. Girls are early, boys are ignorant, so girls tend to like boys first. Boys are enlightened and girls have started to think. So, the two of them show a difference in mind, but not in quality. In the end, he makes a decision after his own thinking, bravely disobeying his father and making the right judgment about his life and values.

Finally, I think the biggest difference between our story and the American story is: they do not do “entanglement”, regardless of the separation and merging, are dry and crisp. We, no matter what the plot, the main thing to do is “tangled”, heart love but do not dare to say, say but do not dare to do, do but do not dare to love, love but no name, name but no fate …… is clearly twisted, but also always say that this is called “dramatic tension”, or “destiny”.

Many people talk about how guys are not good enough for girls, guys are torn, etc. I think the movie speaks of a very simple fact: the mental development of young boys and young girls is not equal. It is very understandable that elementary school students are always girls who do better than boys. Girls are early, boys are ignorant, so girls tend to like boys first. Boys are enlightened and girls have started to think. So, the two of them show a difference in mind, but not in quality. In the end, he makes a decision after his own thinking, bravely disobeying his father and making the right judgment about his life and values.

Finally, I think the biggest difference between our story and the American story is: they do not do “entanglement”, regardless of the separation and merging, are dry and crisp. We, no matter what the plot, the main thing to do is “tangled”, heart love but do not dare to say, say but do not dare to do, do but do not dare to love, love but no name, name but no fate …… is clearly twisted, but also always say that this is called “dramatic tension”, or “destiny”.

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